Layering with Encaustic
VW Bus
Do you want to know how to create beautiful artwork using Encaustic and other Media?
'Layering with Encaustic' is a Pilot class geared towards building a hands-on understanding of Encaustic and the many options and possibilities with this beautiful medium.
Using a flat canvas board as your substrate, you will begin building structural layers by adding Ink, Gelatos, Encaustic Medium and PanPastel.
I explain the materials used and share my process and techniques along the way, walking you through each step.This is a great introduction for those wanting to learn about Encaustic, for inspiration or new ideas on how to work with Mixed Media.
Naomi Haskell
Supplies List
VW Image
Image Transfer
Using Permanent Pens
Stamping the Background
Painting with Gelatos
Encaustic Medium
Using PanPastels